Generation A.D.D.

Generation A.D.D.


Natural Solution For Breaking the Prescription Addiction

Author: Dr. Michael Papa

Drugging our kids to control their behavior has become widespread in our modern society. But the very real dangers of the medications used are all to often ignored or downplayed.  As concerned parents we need to realize that there are more intelligent choices: We can help our children with natural, alternative approaches that are healthy, effective, and positively transformative, have no dangerous effects, and do not promote violent behavior or addictive habits that often become lifelong health hazards.

In this book, Dr. Michael Papa introduces you to these successful alternatives and natural approaches to ADD/ADHD, including special nutritional recommendations. Dr,. Papa's approach is simple and non-invasive and will help you cope with the daily challenge of raising healthy, focused children.  If you are an adult with ADD/ADHD t, this book will be an invaluable tool to help you achieve a naturally focused lifestyle.